Saturday, January 24, 2004

saturday night: mission , bc.

it is 10:00 pm, and i just returned from downstairs.
both of my parents are asleep on separate couches.
some A&E crime program is blaring.
blaring. no one with normal functioning auditory abilities could sleep undisturbed through such a din.
my father gripping a half-empty glass of water and a bag of salt and vinegar chips propped up against my mother's chest.
this would be darling if they were under the age of 10.
it is kind of funny, but more depressing.
they look small and powerless. comical.
parents shouldn't fall asleep before their children, like that.
all tuckered out from a long hard day.


me? well im going to go hit the treadmill, have a bath with one of the gazillion vials of bathing treatments hoarded by my mother. then i will watch a little mad tv and even more SNL.

and i pity my parents.


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