Friday, January 09, 2004

unrequited love is the only kind that lasts

read that a few minutes ago on the last page of my book.
you reckon that's true?
yeah, me too.
sad, isn't it?

this bloody cough may kill me.

had a lovely lunch today.

work is crazy. i love it.

i'm incredibly stressed out, but i don't really know any other way to be.
at the moment, i can't remember the last time i really and for truly felt carefree.
probably some day in my twenties - and i must have been either too drunk or too stupid to mark the occasion.

really, now. i would like to stop coughing.
i picture my lungs looking like two empty hot-water bottles.

must remember to mind my "t"s and "d"s
as in "water" not "wahder"
"butter" rather than "budder" etc.
must also remember people will think i'm an ass for such careful pronunciation.
"puddin' on airs, is she?"

had the privilege of spending the evening with an absolute cherub. simple. uncomplicated. needy but incredible.

feeling mildly ill after healthy dinner consisting of 3 squares of a dairy milk chocolate bar and a couple handfuls of tostidos.

had 3 cans of diet pepsi today and 4 cigarettes.
didn't book doctor's or dentist's appt.
oh fuck it, i've accomplished nothing today.
well at least nothing on my list -
hold the phone, i did too!
i remembered to use moisturizer today.
that is something.


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