Friday, May 07, 2004

and then thursday came round...

quick cleanse update:
this is a very stupid idea.

some wiseacre asked me today if i ever write
anything of import in my online journal.

now for some reason the words "online journal
make me bristle.
ridiculous really, as that pretty much describes
what this little pothole in the internet is.
but when i hear online journal i think
of hello kitty and "mood today: hap-hap-happy!"
and all sorts of keyboard strokes to mimic
human expressions.
:) or =) - etc and so an so on.

at least he didn't pull the word "diary" on me.
i don't much discuss politics, nor current events.
i don't really post helpful links.
this is no hardcore sex blog.
nope no such fun around here.

basically this is where i shoot the
shit with myself.
this is a safer, more acceptable place
to have a me-to-me conversation
than, say the bus.

i tend to talk out loud to myself when i
walk home from work - and i can get
away with this thanks to the invention of
cell phones and headsets.
people may still think im an asshole
(those headsets are truly insufferable)
but folks are less likely to think im mad.
and as i grow lazier and lazier and
tend to take the bus rather than walk -
i need an outlet.

and so, there you have it.
anything of import?
not bloody likely.
but as i was saying to myself
just this afternoon -
"jesus, a girl with an ass like that
SHOULD NOT be wearing that skirt"



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