Wednesday, May 19, 2004

guess what?
i'm having a great day.
my spirits are high.
work is going well.

last night i spied on someone using a website.
from behind two-way glass.
and it was totally on the up and up.
zed has hired a research group to conduct usibility testing.
it was fascinating - i learned a lot.

annnnd there was a fridge-full of beer, wine and soda.
and let's not forget the plate of peak freens and the
thai food we ordered in.
sometimes i loooove my job.
so, maybe i haven't published a decent piece of writing
in over a year...
but i get paid to be an ale-swilling,
springroll-gobbling voyeur.

the fabulous fitzgerald girls (sorry, local reference)
are hosting a theme party this weekend.
i am very much looking forward to it.
i must find a costume.
i am having very little luck.

the laptop has been reimaged again.
i'm back in bidness.
yay, me.
yay, zone alarm.


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