Thursday, May 06, 2004

i predict today will be a no good very bad day.
am i clairvoyant?
nah. realistic is all.

fucking cleanse.
yesterday i downed a lemonade iced tea.
absolutely forbidden for all the sugar.
not enough that it's from starbucks.
my soul is doubly damned for the sweetness.

sweetness, sweetness i was only joking...

i gave in and ordered cable television.
come saturday i can once again numb myself
with late-night television.
i can't hardly wait.

had a funny conversation yesterday.
my friend lisa turns 30 in a couple of weeks.
she is concerned that she hasn't accomplished enough.
i get this.
i turn 32 in a couple of months.
it's best to consider yourself in resume format.
on paper, i'm the shit.
who really needs to know the less glamorous bits?
anyone who reads this blog knows the real deal.
but, let's take a look at the paper me
vs. the humdrum reality...

On Paper:

age: 31
occupation: Associate Producer for the
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Web Site Editor,
Television Personality, published Freelance Writer
health: stellar
tragedies: minimum
height: 5' 8
weight: i look great when i suck in.

you know what, let's just glance over the reality part...
i'm gonna cling to the above for a bit.

and now i go drink tea designed to disguise
the revolting earthy flavours of my cleanse

keep on keepin on.


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