i swam here
so last week i went to canmore for
my youngest brother's wedding.
canmore is near banff.
canmore is many hours from vancouver.
we drove.
when i say "we", i mean my parents drove.
yes, i took a road trip with my parents.
i even shared a motel room in golden, bc with my parents.
my father drives the speed limit
and NEVER a km over.
this makes passing difficult.
and so there was nearly no passing.
i took many gravol pills and slept.
in canmore i had a lovely room to myself.
a kingsize bed and a good bathroom.
not to mention a balcony that overlooked a beautiful
outdoor pool and hot tub.
the hotel is practically on a mountainside,
so the air is stil very cold.
mix in warm water, alpine surroundings and
a spicy caesar or two...
i admit i had one wonderful evening swimming
under the night sky.
the wedding was simple and enjoyable.
i got awfully teary.
not only are weddings a touchy subject for me nowadays -
my youngest brother was in a suit,
marrying a girl - being all grown-up.
they are a good match.
AND they paid for everyone's hotel stay.
i hear the total soared about six grand.
and that's not even including the wedding
or all the food, alcohol and entertainment
jesus, my youngest sibling is wealthier
and far more together than me.
depressing, that.
you know what?
i don't feel like talking about this trip anymore.
it's dead boring in the re-telling.
today, it occured to me
that when i dress up in heels and makeup,
on the street people may wonder if
i'm a transvestite.
i'm serious. this worries me.
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