It is nearly midnight and I am on my 4th batch of slightly too-flat-to-be-perfect chocolate chip cookies. I was supposed to go to bed early tonight. No such luck. I promised to make these cookies for a very important person who will be very upset if there aren't at least two tins of cookies ready and waiting in the morning. I am very tired and dreading tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be miserable and I have many different errands to run. And darlings, I have to be in make-up at 9:30 am!
Today the ski lodge seems very far away indeed. Well, I can still see the lights from the windows lighting up the snowhill, and I guess that is something to be grateful for. In trying times like these I remind myself of what a woman walking into a moderately atttended party held in her honour once said to me, "Thank you, thank you very much. See you in there."
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