Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Yesterday was a day of ups and downs. I walked to work in a fit of unexpected sunshine. It was lovely. Had a tasty coffee and a nice morning at work. Then an unpleasant email came to me. Lucky! Just a few nasty lines of text along with everything that festers between them can send me crashing. Up again, I ate Chicken McNuggets on the way to catch a movie. Fun.

Now, here we are today. Started off great. I was able to sit in the control room and watch the script I wrote being taped. That was edutainment at it's best. But, then this afternoon I rec'd bad news. Nothing really bad in the grand scale of things. No one died. No family member was hurt or upset. Much worse. "Leah" from Holt Renfrew called to ditch me. Horrible. You see, on Monday I rec'd a call from Leah, out of the blue. She wanted to give me $150 to shop for an hour in exchange for an additional thirty minutes of my time that I would devote to a couple of researchers. I was very, very happy about this. For you must understand, these things just don't happen to me. In fact, I stated that outright to a certain someone who believes strongly that my words predetermined the outcome of this little giveth-taketh-away adventure.

Rotten, I tell you, just rotten. That'll learn me not to look forward to things. And I ask you all to join me in boycotting Leah and her Holt Renfrew. It will be a struggle for many of you. But do try to keep your many thousands of dollars tied up in something else and out of the clutches of such a cruel retailer.


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