Friday, October 21, 2005

Ain't only the teachers heading back to work

I know its been forever, but I am suffering a huge aversion to the Blogger at the moment. There are many things I must tell you about. I will make a list and when I'm more in the mood I will give you all the dirt.

*going back to ZeD on Monday. Thank fucking God. I am excited and nervous.

*went to the VIFF closing gala, got very drunk and was, perhaps unnaturally, delighted by the graphic re-telling of a friend's barium enema

*friend from NYC is in town visiting. She brought me a fantastic new shirt and the first and sadly the last season of The Comeback. I heart NY.

*discovered Borat

*roadtripped it to Seattle

*still have no cable television nor a single snippet of internet access. I desperately miss Ancient History Tuesdays and Top Model.

*still haven't rec'vd my signing bonus from the CBC - I will have to borrow rent money from my parents. Humiliating.

*bit a massive chunk out of the inside of my cheek (overzealous gum chewing)

*currently having asthma issues. Can't breathe. My back aches.

*went to a Greek Food Festival tonight. Stuffed myself with loukoumades. Delish.

*found amazing retro lamps at the Union Gospel Thrift shop. They've been in storage for 20 years. They still have the original tags on them. I bought 4 and may go back for more. I carried them home, walking along East Hastings and endured several filthy comments.

Okay, seriously... I can't fucking breathe! Pisses me off. I'm going now. I'll write more later. Betcha can't wait!


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