Wednesday, November 12, 2008

be my girl

Once, as I walked to the SkyTrain, a construction worker asked me to marry him. He had found a gaudy toy ring on the ground. We shared a laugh as he rose from bended knee. As I walked away, I realized that would probably be my first and last marriage proposal. Aint that a kick in the head.

I have no burning desire to get married again, but I could do with a proposal. I managed to walk down the aisle many years ago without one. Maybe that's why it didn't work out? Given the opportunity, I think I'd insist on an indefinite engagement and skip the whole marriage thing.

It's not the ring I'm after -- although it's always nice to have something to pawn if things go poorly in life... And while I am conflicted -- in the end, a proposal strikes me as very romantic. I get tired of pondering whether or not it's square or inappropriate to want such things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

will you marry me?

2/07/2009 4:30 PM  

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