Work is crazy. My hair is looking like shit and I'm suffering through ugly days like nobody's business. This is unfortunate as it is VIFF time and there are oodles of social events to attend. Tomorrow night there is a function at Ginger Sixty-Two and a Cineworks party at the same time. I will attend both. I am amazing. Also, I scored tickets to the VIFF Anniversary Gala. All this and me with nothing but faded black crow's clothing. I will drink and wear lipstick. S'all good.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Work is crazy. My hair is looking like shit and I'm suffering through ugly days like nobody's business. This is unfortunate as it is VIFF time and there are oodles of social events to attend. Tomorrow night there is a function at Ginger Sixty-Two and a Cineworks party at the same time. I will attend both. I am amazing. Also, I scored tickets to the VIFF Anniversary Gala. All this and me with nothing but faded black crow's clothing. I will drink and wear lipstick. S'all good.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Saturday, September 25
You may be asked to turn yourself inside out in one way or another today, dear Cancer. People may come up to you and bombard you in a way that makes you want to retreat into your protective shell. Let the steam run out of their engine before you pull out your witty, well-crafted retort. Your cutting sense of sarcastic humor is exactly what is needed to punch a hole in the potentially superficial landscape of the day.
Friday, September 24, 2004
Tomorrow night there is a fashion show that a nice fellow from the ZeD invited me to. I've never been to a fashion show in Vancouver and it could be a whole wack of fun. Expanding my horizons and whatnot. I'm trying to be social and go out. I always dread leaving the house, but I usually wind up having a gay old time. And let's face a smart woman once said to me (even though she stole it from Oprah) : "don't waste the pretty". This is good advice. I am 32. Realistically my comehither days are winding down. Of course, I'm concentrating on more important things than bees to honey - like getting organized, making money, etc - but, still...
If I've any pretty left, I best do my part. So I guess that means I had better spit out these Maynards Wine gums, brush my teeth and do a sit-up or two. How dull.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Forgive my mush...
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
I rec'd most excellent news about my trip to NYC. My friend has a friend who lives in the same building as Britney - yes the Britney - in the city and he said we could stay there as he will be in Canada for Thanksgiving and I am very happy and no longer so worried about money and stress and guilt over money and other stuff and oh my god it's just gonna be so much fun and really we are going to live it up and totally we will do some shopping and ooh maybe we will see Britney and her new family even I though I heard 50 Cent was looking at Britney's pad and then hoo-boy would that be interesting. i mean really.
Monday, September 20, 2004
Saturday, September 18, 2004

Saturday, September 18
Don't get discouraged if it seems like everyone else is getting a piece of the pie except for you, dear Cancer. Your time will come, but unfortunately, it probably won't be today. While you may want to sink deep into tender feelings and graceful sensitivity, others may want to float on the surface and dabble in their fantasy worlds. Feel free to escape in your own world for a while, but don't be surprised if others aren't eagerly following.
Spooky. I couldn't have said it better myself. What is it about getting old that makes astrology seem like a viable source of information? Go figure.
Friday, September 17, 2004
I turned down sooooooo many invites tonight. I mean, really now. Just ridiculous. First there was dinner with Vera, John and Jarrett and then drinks, movies and happy good times with Lisa, Mark and others and then of course there could have been a New West pubcrawl with Kerry and co. and we mustn't forget the show at the Ironworks and that other show at the Anza club. Did you catch all those different names? Oh you wouldn't know them. Just very important people who would have looooooved my company tonight. I chose to stay in tonight. I'm sure I was missed terribly. Poor souls.
I do think I will hit the town tomorrow night. Going out the last couple of days reminded me that I am still capable of not only having fun, but also I can be fun. I have been spending too much time lately fussing and farting over things I can't control. Being out in the sun today, having a laugh over alcohol-infused fruit, I felt good. After such a nice day I really don't mind staying home alone tonight. It's all about balance - not generally my thing. But, I am learning.
Oh yeah, one more thing. On my walk home, some smarmy fellow in a big fancy black car pulled up alongside me and asked if I went to UBC with him. I told him he was mistaken and then he asked me "where do you come from...originally?" I answered, "Winnipeg." He of course meant my nationality. He explained that I looked hot-blooded, like an Italian woman or someone from some place "hot and passionate." I mumbled a thank-you and shrugged and watched him drive away. I immediately forgot the guy and instead started to obsess over what an asshole I am. Yes, my nationality is "Winnipeg". Funny though. And hot-blooded? I'm a Scot/Celt/Kraut - about as uptight and icy as they come. I don't know what's going on, but over the past few days the pomaded, gold-chained set have been really digging me. I don't get propositioned all that often, but this week the slimeballs have got my number. If PMS induced bloating, tight pants and a snarly expression makes me look "hot-blooded" and appealing, I should consider moving south.
I am going to get a good night's sleep and just takereasy. Tomorrow I disinfect my apartment.
Now, I will read a book until Conan.
Ok, enough now. I have expressed regret over writing in this thing last night, told you about my plans for the day, complained about my self-image...I think we're good to go.
Time to go put on make-up. Smashing.
Goodnight poodles.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
The bad smell has been located and eradicated. Brocolli in Gladware. Most unpleasant.
Oh, and by the by - I am feeling right disgusting today. Greasy, bloated and other ugly human traits... Relax. Let your children play out of doors. I will remain inside until this passes.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Things are weird right now. I can't decide if it's an all-for-the-best weird or a too-bad-so-sad weird. Like sex with the lights on - can be revealing and fun or something that makes you feel self-conscious and has you squeezing your eyes shut, waiting for it to be over while you pray you don't come off as a prude. No matter, this is neither the time nor the place for such discussions. I don't think I've had so many discussions as I've had this year. Perhaps there is something to be said for good old-fashioned repression.
But what I really care about right now is the source of this funny smell.
Thursday, September 09, 2004

Thursday, September 09
It might be time to face a recent failure you've experienced, dear Cancer. No one is exempt from the disappointment of not succeeding at something they try. It's part of the process of reaching goals, regardless of who you are and what you've done in the past. Even the most accomplished people have had to face this. Everything does work out as it's meant to.
these are getting better all the time.
I'm stilil feeling a bit under the weather. Very tired today. However, moreover and furthermore, I just had a lovely dinner on the beach with the most charming young blonde thing. A run-in with a rather dead seagull cut the evening short - but with no regrets. Tonight I will make a nice to-do list. I reckon it's a time for hunkering down and focusing. I rec'd a call from a friend from my magazine internship days. It was a welcome surprise. We will go out for drinky-poos. She's a good sort to talk to. We have much in common and I always appreciate her perspective. She has a keen eye for self-destructive behaviour. Smart.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
That was fun. Where's my fucking Vicks Vapo-rub?
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Vicks, please?
Monday, September 06, 2004

Monday, September 06
You may need to deal with disapproval today, dear Cancer. This will likely come from someone you see as either a superior or an authority figure - perhaps a parent or a teacher. While it's important to listen to them, if what they have to say involves your personal life and how you choose to live it, rest assured that it is no one's concern but yours. Try to remember that, no matter what you do, someone will disapprove somewhere!
Sunday, September 05, 2004
What I really need is one of them slate cleaners. I've done some flaky things over the years. I'm afraid I'll never be able to live it down. Once upon a time most people assumed I was very capable. I was the competent one. Organized. Grounded. I threw nice dinner parties, made good dinners, did my own taxes, did the holidays up right...and so on and so on. Things have changed, but I can and still want to do all those things. Blah, blah blah - sorry, I just totally lost interest in this subject. I can only imagine how tiresome it must be for any poor soul reading this.
I had a lovely dinner. A little salmon, a little chicken, a potato or two. Good stuff. You know, canteloupe flavoured Jelly Bellies taste incredibly like the real deal.
Friday, September 03, 2004
Only moments ago I found out that tonight there is a modern dance thingie going on. I would have gone, possibly - maybe. I mean I WAS downtown and I DID have lipstick on. And my dance card was decidedly empty. Some ZeD folks were supposed to be there - woulda been fun. But now, I'm cozied up at home and I have a date with some harsh chemicals and hot pink nail polish.
I think I'm off the cigarettes. I just can't seem to choke one down. How annoying. I suppose now I will develop an addiction to chocolate almonds or something.
Anyhoo, I'm not getting any younger looking talking to you lot.